
MAY 13, 2023

My novel, Ring, is due out from Bancroft Press in October 2024. It’s about grief, suicidality, and survival.

Today, an excerpt from the novel went live in Shenandoah Literary Magazine, along with a craft essay about its writing. The essay is titled “A Grief Explored.”

Shenandoah publishing the excerpt is a big deal for me. It is a very old and well-known journal, included in lists of the top literary magazines in the country, and has published people like Faulkner, Welty, Auden, and ee cummings. Lately, it’s published contemporary luminaries like K-Ming Chang. I’ve been a poet my whole life and this novel is my first real work of fiction, so I’m honored for it to debut in Shenandoah.

As you may know, I’m not on social media. I have this website, and I’m going to set up social media accounts for the novel in the coming months. But right now, I have none, so, If you read the excerpt and/or essay and like them enough to share them, I would appreciate it. If not, I wanted to at least share them with you.

The issue has a lot of interesting work in it, including a section celebrating trans poets from Puerto Rico.

Thanks to all of you who have helped me with the book, who were/are my teachers, or who have inspired me in other ways,